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Writer's pictureAnnika Stevenson

Annika Stevenson: An Introduction

Updated: Feb 11, 2018

A brief summary of my life thus far and who I am as a person.

Hi! I'm Annika. Obviously. This is my blog. Also obviously. I should've made this post first but better late than never, right?!

Disclaimer: I am not my illness.

Despite my blog being mainly focused on and dedicated to rheumatoid disease, this disorder does not define me.

My last two posts have been about rheumatoid disease, and I'm sure there'll be many more of these in the future given that this blog is called My RA Life, but I am simply here to help others who are experiencing this condition. Also a disclaimer: my only official knowledge of this disease is what I learn through trial and error and research. I don't have a degree. I don't have a certificate. I only have my experiences.

A Very Good Place to Start

So... Where to begin... I'm a 16 year old California girl who really is your stereotypical California girl-- I love to go to the beach and surf and eat good food and swim and hang out with my friends. I also love God. A lot. He is a huge part of who I am and I'm sure He'll show up often in my posts as I get real with my faith and how it affects my life. I sing every chance I get and deeply enjoy dancing alone in my room like a bafoon and dancing in front of large crowds (also like a bafoon, but a more professional one).

I've had a couple curveballs thrown at me, but God has given me an amazing life.

Junior year has been especially tough between all of the funerals and doctors and therapists and medications and schools, but luckily for me, I have an even tougher support group. Through God, my friends and my family, I've triumphed over every challenge and obstacle that's been thrown at me. (Shoutout to anyone who's stuck with me throughout this rollercoaster. You're all my MVPs. Especially you, God. I love you, man.)

To Be Continued...

This has been a VERY brief overview of my life but, as long as you're here for the ride, I'm sure you'll get to know all about me and who I am. I really don't know how to describe myself so I'll leave your impression of me up to you. I hope it's a good one. ;)

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